Bulletin électronique en matière de courtage de Willson

Willson apporte des informations et des analyses sur le commerce mondial et la logistique
Les questions relatives à l'environnement, notamment au Canada, aux États-Unis et à l'étranger, sont au cœur de l'actualité.
commerce et logistique, données commerciales et actualités maritimes.

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CFIA – Meat and Fish Updates

The following have been updated on the Canadian Food Inspection Agency website. List of Establishments approved to export meat to Ukraine in Chapter 11 of the Meat Hygiene Manual of …

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CFIA – Industry Labelling Tool Update

The Dairy page of the Industry Labelling Tool has been revised to include information on Health Canada’s voluntary guidance on improving the safety of soft and semi-soft cheese made from …

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CBSA – Update to the Implementation of the Accounts Receivable Ledger

Customs Notice 16-19, Update to the Implementation of the Accounts Receivable Ledger On January 26, 2016, the CBSA introduced ARL, a fully integrated and centralized accounting system that allows for …

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Anti-Dumping Duties

The following is available on the Canada Border Services Agency website Copper Pipe Fittings -Expiry Review Decision - 2016-07-20 On March 23, 2016, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) initiated an …

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CBSA Releases Semi-annual Trade Verification Priorities

Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has released its list of Trade Compliance Verification Priorities from July to December. CBSA employs a risk-based, evergreen process, which means that while new targets …

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Health Canada – Chemical Updates

The following are availabke on the Health Canada website Canada-United States Regulatory Cooperation Council The Chemicals Management Work Plan Update for the Canada-United States Regulatory Cooperation Council was published along …

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Willson US Contact Updates

As a reminder to all of our clients, new and long-standing, we at Willson’s eNews would like to provide the most current contact information for inquiries: Shipment Processing Carriers send …

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Weekly ACE System Maintenance Outages

US Customs has been running maintenance on their ACE system every Saturday night between 10:00 pm and 4:00 am Sunday morning.  The trade community has been advised to ‘plan accordingly’ …

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FDA Messaging and CBP FDA Processing Delays Reported

On Monday, CSMS message 16-00603 reported CBP wide network issues that resulted in delayed processing that began at approximately 11:00 am.  On Wednesday, the FDA Helpdesk confirmed that there was …

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CBP’s Legacy System, ACS, to be shutdown July 23rd

ACS, the system that preceded ACE, will have the majority of its functionality shut down beginning Saturday.  ACS will be set to issue errors on many electronic entry types.  Citing …

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APHIS to Conclude ACE Pilot – APHIS CORE will begin August 15th

US Customs has issued a CSMS message indicating the APHIS-ACE pilot program will be concluding and all APHIS regulated shipments must be transmitted with the new data requirements beginning August …

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REMINDER: FDA’s ITACS System not communicating with CBP’s ACE System

As a reminder to importers of food that rely on the ITACS system for FDA messaging, this system is not communicating with US Customs ACE system.  As of June 15th, …

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CBP Issues CSMS Message regarding FDA deeming rule on Tobacco Products

As communicated in CSMS message #16-000561, the FDA recently finalized a rule that expanded the products that are subject to Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act.   As of August …

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US Department of Commerce makes Preliminary Determination Stainless Steel Sheet and Strip CVD

On July 12th, the US Department of commerce preliminarily determined that the People’s Republic of China has subsidized the manufacturing of stainless steel sheet and strip for import into the …

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2016 Tariff Updates

The Supplemental 1 to the 2016 US Tariff schedule became available on July 1st, 2016.  This round of changes impacted many statistical headings for tariff numbers.  If you have not …

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