Bulletin électronique en matière de courtage de Willson

Willson apporte des informations et des analyses sur le commerce mondial et la logistique
Les questions relatives à l'environnement, notamment au Canada, aux États-Unis et à l'étranger, sont au cœur de l'actualité.
commerce et logistique, données commerciales et actualités maritimes.

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TSCA to be required for Composite Wood Products

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will now be regulating composite wood products in sixty (60) days.  The purpose of this is to reduce formaldehyde emissions from composite wood products that …

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CBSA Fact Sheet on Importer Account Off-Setting

What is off-setting and when will it be in place? The fundamental principle of off-setting relies on financial management best practice where a disbursement is not issued to a recipient …

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As a next step in preparing for the transition to off-setting, importers are advised to verify the mailing address information in their Canada Revenue Agency records. In ARL, all refunds …

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APHIS to Conclude ACE Pilot – APHIS CORE set to launch ‘Late Summer’

US Customs has issued a CSMS message indicating the APHIS-ACE pilot program will be concluding and all APHIS regulated shipments must be transmitted with the new data requirements at some …

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CBP to use Private Collection Agencies to Recover Unpaid ADD/CVD

This week, US Customs announced that they have begun contracting with private collection agencies to retrieve unpaid anti-dumping and countervailing duties.  This is a part of the new division of …

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Willson US Contact Updates

As a reminder to all of our clients, new and long-standing, we at Willson’s eNews would like to provide the most current contact information for inquiries:  Shipment Processing Carriers send …

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REMINDER: FDA’s ITACS System not communicating with CBP’s ACE System

As a reminder to importers of food that rely on the ITACS system for FDA messaging, this system is not communicating with US Customs ACE system.   As of June …

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Health Canada – Chemicals

The following have been updated on the Health Canada website. Boric Acid, its Salts and its Precursors The draft screening assessment and risk management scope document for Boric Acid, its …

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CFIA – Industry Labelling Tool Update – Nutrient Function Claims

Health Canada has accepted function claims for new nutrients (Biotin, Vitamin K, Chromium, Copper and Manganese). Additionally, new function claims have been permitted for certain existing nutrients (Vitamin A, Vitamin …

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CFIA – International standards for Phytosanitary measures

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) is consulting on international standards for phytosanitary measures and seeks feedback from Canadian stakeholders.  The IPPC is an international treaty that establishes a common …

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CFIA – Industry Labelling Tool Update

The Industry Labelling Tool has been updated to incorporate guidance on food compositional requirements, including new pages on standards of identity, food additives, fortification and grades. Additional information on commodity …

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CFIA – Update on the proposed Safe Food for Canadians Regulations

Update on the proposed Safe Food for Canadians Regulations New information on this initiative is now available on the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s Safe Food page, which has been updated …

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CFIA – Meat and Fish Updates

The following have been update on the Canadian Food Inspection Agency website. New certificate requirements for fish and fishery products destined for import in Bahrain Please be advised that the …

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CFIA – Continues its Investigation into Avian Influenza in Ontario

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is continuing its investigation into an avian influenza situation near St. Catharines, Ontario. There remains one single premises confirmed to be infected with avian …

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CFIA – Safe Food for Canadians Regulations

Update on the proposed Safe Food for Canadians Regulations New information on this initiative is now available on the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s Safe Food page, which has been updated …

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