Bulletin électronique en matière de courtage de Willson

Willson apporte des informations et des analyses sur le commerce mondial et la logistique
Les questions relatives à l'environnement, notamment au Canada, aux États-Unis et à l'étranger, sont au cœur de l'actualité.
commerce et logistique, données commerciales et actualités maritimes.

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COVID-19: Temporary suspension of service at select Canadian border services locations

Further to the reduction of service at some Canadian land border ports of entry on April 15, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) today announced the temporary suspension of service …

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D11-4-27 (Revised) – Canada–Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement (CCRFTA): Costa Rica Free Zone Regime

This memorandum contains the regulations and information for determining whether Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement (CCRFTA) originating goods imported from Costa Rica and accounted for, on or before August 7, 2019 have received the benefits …

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Lacey Act Form Required on 29 New Tariff Numbers

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) announced that, beginning October 1st, the form PPQ505 commonly known as the Lacey Declaration, will be required …

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New Import Certification Requirements for Organic Products

The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) is expected to release the new rules for submitting electronic import certificates for shipments containing organic food, feed, or …

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China 301 Duty: Update and Exclusion Information

As many of our readers are aware, the U.S. levied additional tariffs on goods made in China. These tariffs have come in waves that began on July 6th, 2018. List …

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Government provides tariff relief to importers of certain medical goods

News release May 6, 2020 – Ottawa, Ontario – Department of Finance Canada The Government of Canada continues to take immediate, significant and decisive action to protect Canadians’ health and …

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CN 20-19 -Goods eligible for relief under the Certain Goods Remission Order (COVID-19)

Customs Notice 20-19 – Certain Goods Remission Order (COVID-19) This Notice is available in its entirety on the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA website. Relief of customs duty is provided …

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Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement CUSMA): What importers need to know

The Canada Border Services Agency has developed a go-to page for Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement CUSMA) related information. Topics include: Overview of key changes affecting imports Origin procedures, trade facilitation, self-assessments and …

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Final Safeguard Measures Imposed on the Importation of Certain Steel Goods to be reduced.

Customs Notice 19-08 – Final Safeguard Measures Imposed on the Importation of Certain Steel Goods The rates for surtax applied to imports into Canada of  heavy plate and stainless steel …

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Implementation of the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA) De Minimis Threshold with Respect to Customs Duties and Taxes for Courier Imports

The following Notice is available in its entirety on the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) website and provides information with regards to release, reporting, and accounting of goods with regards to …

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APHIS CORE Still Expected in August

U.S. Customs and Border Protection released CSMS #41839060 notifying the trade community that the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has announced the next …

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U.S. Department of Commerce Proposes Aluminum Import Licensing

The Department of Commerce has now proposed new regulations that would create an Aluminum Import Monitoring and Analysis System that is similar to the current steel import monitoring system.  This …

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U.S. Department of Commerce Proposes Expansion of Steel Import Licensing

The Department of Commerce issued a proposed rule in the Federal Register that would expand steel import licensing requirements to include all products subject to Section 232 tariffs.  Additionally, the …

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WHO/WCO list of priority medicines and an updated joint WCO/WHO HS classification list for COVID-19 medical supplies now available

The WCO continues its close cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO) to contribute to the rapid cross-border movement of medical supplies and medicines needed urgently during the current COVID-19 …

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Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) Rules of Origin

The following is now available on the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) website D11-5-16, Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) Rules of Origin This new memorandum describes the …

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