Bulletin électronique en matière de courtage de Willson

Willson apporte des informations et des analyses sur le commerce mondial et la logistique
Les questions relatives à l'environnement, notamment au Canada, aux États-Unis et à l'étranger, sont au cœur de l'actualité.
commerce et logistique, données commerciales et actualités maritimes.

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House of Representatives pass TSCA Modernization Act 3981-1

This Toxic Substances Control Act modernization would require a “risk evaluation” procedure in the EPA chemical review process and give the EPA the authority make the final decision on chemicals …

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US – Mexico Meeting Scheduled on COOL Dispute

The World Trade Organization (WTO) has scheduled a meeting for June 29th for the ongoing dispute on country of origin labeling. Mexico is expected to claim approximately $650 million dollars …

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US Calls Canadian Damage Claims “excessive” as COOL Dispute Drags on

Canada has claimed that country of origin labeling has caused $2.5 billion in domestic damages. The US calls the claims ‘quite excessive,’ but the World Trade Organization is hoping to …

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International Trade Center (ITC) publishes Annual Excel file of ADD/CVD Orders Currently in Place

On June 9th, the ITC released their annual Excel file of all ADD/CVD orders currently in place. If your firm imports into the United States, please search this file to …

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Court of International Trade rules on Tableware Sets

On June 17th, The Court of International Trade (CIT) ruled that table ware must be the same color, shape, and decoration to be classified in sets. This ruling relies on …

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New Aquatic Invasive Species regulations

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans has brought out a new regulation with regard to invasive species. It states, amongs other things, that Asian Carp: Grass Carp, Bighead Carp, Silver Carp and Black …

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New FAQs on CFIA’s Acts and Regulations

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has published Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on acts and regulations it is responsible for.

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CRA – Excise and GST/HST News – No. 96

The following is available on the Canada Revenue Agency website. Excise and GST/HST News – No. 96

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Anti-Dumping Duties

The following are available on the Canadian International Trade Tribunal website Steel Grating, Expiry No. LE-2015-001 Concrete Reinforcing Bar – Public Interest Inquiry No. PB-2014-001 Certain  Whole Potatoes – Expiry …

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Anti-Dumping Duties

The following are available on the Canada Border Services Agency website. Refined Sugar, Expiry Review No.: RR-2014-006 Notice of Initiation of Investigations – Certain Steel Plate The following is available …

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US Customs and French Customs Seize $541,000 in Unsafe Health and Beauty Products

Operation Bathe and Beaute targeted counterfeit personal care items and resulted in the seizure of 76 shipments containing more than 31,000 items. The items seized included: make-up, hair removal devices, …

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CBP Bulletin Proposes to Modify Ruling on Automotive Parts

Customs Bulletin on June 10th published a notice that proposes to modify or revoke a previous ruling involving US manufacturer auto parts shipped to China and returned.

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US and Mexico Move Closer to Recognizing Respective Trusted Trade Programs

US Customs and Border Protection and Mexico’s customs agency are moving toward recognizing their respective trusted trader programs.  Commissioner Gil Kerlikowske stated that there is ongoing work to harmonize the …

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Final Results of Anti-dumping Administrative Review in China Wooden Bedroom Furniture

The final results of the Administrative review on wooden bedroom furniture have been published. The imports of the merchandise subject to anti-dumping include, but are not limited to classifications: 9403.50.9042, …

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11,165 Counterfeit Watches worth an Estimated $2.8 Million Seized by CBP in Miami

In a press release June 12th, CBP announced the seizure of 11,165 counterfeit watches. The watches were submitted to CBP Import Specialists for review and they were determined to be …

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