Bulletin électronique en matière de courtage de Willson

Willson apporte des informations et des analyses sur le commerce mondial et la logistique
Les questions relatives à l'environnement, notamment au Canada, aux États-Unis et à l'étranger, sont au cœur de l'actualité.
commerce et logistique, données commerciales et actualités maritimes.

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Interview With Our CEO

Recently our CEO Peter Willson, sat down for an interview with Tharawat Magazine to talk about our company’s close to 100 years of history. Tharawat magazine aims to raise the awareness on family …

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US Customs eases Documentation Requirements on Drawback Claims

CBP no longer requires an original signature or a certified export invoice as proof for drawback claims as of August 7th, 2015. This change is in response to the growing …

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Preliminary Determinations Postponed for CVD Investigation on Corrosion Resistant Steel Products

The preliminary determination of the countervailing duty investigation for corrosion resistant steel products from India, Italy, The People’s Republic of China, The Republic of Korea, and Taiwan has been postponed …

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CBP rules on ‘Smartwatch’ Classification

In a classification ruling last week, CBP has determined that the radio transceiver within a ‘smartwatch’ gives the product its ‘essential character.’ This ruling will place ‘smartwatches’ at a duty …

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FCC Considers ending FCC740 Form, Replacing with Labeling Provisions

Federal Communications Commission made this proposal on August 6th in response to the changing landscape of electronics becoming integrated into a wide range of products such as cookware, mattresses, and …

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Preliminary Results of Antidumping Review of Mexico Copper Pipe

The Department of Commerce has issued the preliminary results of its antidumping duty review of copper pipe from Mexico. This administrative review covers seamless refined copper pipe and tube from …

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CBSA – Administrative Procedures Related to Form E29B, Temporary Admission Permit

This memorandum outlines the administrative procedures related to Form E29B, Temporary Admission Permit. This form may be used to document goods qualifying for temporary importation into Canada. This memorandum has …

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CITT – Hot Rolled Carbon Steel Plate and High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel Plate, Preliminary Injury Inquiry, No. PI-2015-001

Determination issued Monday, August 10, 2015 IN THE MATTER OF a preliminary injury inquiry, pursuant to subsection 34(2) of the Special Import Measures Act, respecting: Hot-rolled carbon steel plate and …

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CITT – Initiates Expiry Review of Steel Grating from China

The Canadian International Trade Tribunal (the Tribunal) has initiated an expiry review of its finding made on April 19, 2011, in Inquiry No. NQ-2010-002, to determine if the continued or …

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Initial Fiscal Year 2016 Import and Facility Re-inspection Fees set by the FDA

The Food and Drug Administration has published their potential fees for import re-inspection, domestic and foreign facility re-inspections, and FDA recall activities for non-compliance to a recall order effective October …

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Canada Ratifies Agreement on Wine Labelling

This article is available in its entirety on the Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada website. International Trade Minister Ed Fast and Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister Gerry Ritz announced Canada’s …

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FDA Creates and Modifies Product Codes for Animal Feed

These updates affect the titles of some classes and a new class for “Whole Grains Animal.” The commodities with changes include: barley, corn, oats, rice, rye, and soybeans amongst others. …

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USA – Anti-Dumping Duties

The US Department of Commerce (DOC) has postponed the due date for ADD determination on PET resin until October 6th, 2015. The DOC is currently investigating the plastic resin product, …

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Foreign Agriculture Service (FAS) Announces Fee for 2016 Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ)

Foreign Agriculture Service (FAS) has announced that the Department of Agriculture will issue a fee of $250 for each license issued to a person or firm authorizing the importation of …

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Counterfeit Handbags and Sunglasses top this week’s list of CBP Seizures

CBP released information on two seizures of counterfeit goods that occurred in July, both in Florida Seaports. In Miami, CBP Officers seized 10,788 counterfeit handbags with a MSRP of $4.9 …

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