Bulletin électronique en matière de courtage de Willson

Willson apporte des informations et des analyses sur le commerce mondial et la logistique
Les questions relatives à l'environnement, notamment au Canada, aux États-Unis et à l'étranger, sont au cœur de l'actualité.
commerce et logistique, données commerciales et actualités maritimes.

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Customs Enforcement Seizure leads to Sentencing for Counterfeit Goods Trafficker

Homeland Security in Jacksonville, Florida intercepted a shipment from China containing counterfeit back plates and phone cases. After an investigation, it was discovered the perpetrator was selling counterfeit cell phone …

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US – Canada Softwood Lumber Agreement Expires October 12th

US Customs and Border Protection will end the Softwood Lumber agreement that began in 2006 between the United States and Canada. This will end the requirements for export permits, region …

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CBP Harmonized Tariff Schedule Update

On October 7th, CBP updated 1,101 ABI records and 224 records of the harmonized tariff schedule. This update covered Partner Government Agency indicators for the Lacey Act and generalized System …

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International Trade Commission seeks input on Classification Changes

The World Customs Organization (WCO) has recommended changes to Chapters 3 (Seafood and Fish), 44 (Wood and wood Articles), and 63 (Textile Articles). These changes to the schedule would not …

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Administrative Reviews for ADD to begin for Retail Bags and Steel Nails

The Department of Commerce has begun administrative reviews for anti-dumping duty assessments on steel nails from China (A570-909) as well as polyethylene retail carrier bags from Malaysia (A557-813), Thailand (A549-821) …

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APHIS Increases Hourly Fees at Ports of Entry

The Animal and Plant Health inspection Service is increasing its hourly overtime fees for: inspection, laboratory testing, certification, and quarantine services. These overtime fees will be assessed for work performed …

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Commerce Department will consider Revoking Anti-dumping on Wooden Bedroom Furniture

The Commerce Department has issued a notice that they will consider revoking anti-dumping on wooden bedroom furniture from China. This ‘sunset review’ is scheduled in November. The anti-dumping case will …

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FDA Issues a Proposed Rule for Regulating Devices, Drugs, or Combination Derived from Tobacco

This proposed rule issued this week is in hopes of clarifying the circumstances under which tobacco products may be regulated as a drug or device. Under this rule, the product …

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EPA Proposes changes to Hazardous Waste Import-Export Regulations

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing drastic changes to the regulations on the import and export of hazardous waste. The proposal would apply the same set of regulations to …

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Departmental Memorandum Updates

The following have been updated on the Canada Border Services Agency website D2-5-2, Facilities for Passengers Transiting at Canadian International Airports D3-4-2, Highway Pre-Arrival and Reporting Requirements D8-3-7, Administration of …

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International Trade Commission Seeks Comments on Possible Patent Infringement

The ITC is seeking comments on possible import bans of beverage brewing capsules from one particular manufacturer. This Section 337 exclusion could result in a cease and desist order for …

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CBP Seizes Counterfeit Currency in Coloring Books

CBP officers in Miami seized $2,000 in counterfeit US currency inside a package coming from Trinidad and Tobago last week. The discovery was made because officers decided to select a …

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Record Prison Term Sentence given for Food Safety Violation

The owner of a now shuttered peanut company has been sentenced to a staggering twenty-eight (28) years in prison for his role in falsifying test results and shipping food without …

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Front-Door Jewelry Armoires Ruled Exempt from ADD

The Commerce Department has ruled that front-door jewelry armoires are exempt from anti-dumping duties on Chinese origin wooden bedroom furniture case A-570-890. This exemption is based on certain size requirements …

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International Trade Commission Votes to Continue Hot-Rolled Steel Investigation

The United States International Trade Commission (USITC) voted to continue their investigation into hot-rolled steel. They have determined that there is a “reasonable indication” that US industry has been materially …

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