Bulletin électronique en matière de courtage de Willson

Willson apporte des informations et des analyses sur le commerce mondial et la logistique
Les questions relatives à l'environnement, notamment au Canada, aux États-Unis et à l'étranger, sont au cœur de l'actualité.
commerce et logistique, données commerciales et actualités maritimes.

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Food Safety & Inspection Service Announces Inspections/Re-inspections of Catfish

As a reminder to businesses that export catfish (Siluriforme) to The USA, the US Food Safety & Inspection Service (FSIS) has been selecting shipments of catfish for inspection and re-inspection. …

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Engaging on Key Proposals to Modernize the Food Labelling System Phase III

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is seeking feedback on specific proposals to modernize regulations and on a new approach for truthful and not misleading food labelling.  The survey deadline …

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Anti-Dumping Duties – Certain Carbon Steel Fasteners

The following is available on the Canadian International Trade Tribunal website. Certain Carbon Steel Fasteners, Interim Review No. RD-2016-001 The Canadian International Trade Tribunal has completed the interim review of …

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Anti-Dumping Duties – Silicon Metal (Notice of Initiation of Investigation)

The following is available on the Canada Border Services Agency website. Silicon Metal – Notice of Initiation of Investigation The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) initiated investigations respecting the alleged …

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Trade Facilitation Agreement Enters into Force

A major milestone for the global trading system was reached today, 22 February 2017, when the Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA), the first multilateral deal concluded in the 21 year history …

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US Customs Issues Guidance on US Goods Returning Duty-Free

US Customs issued CSMS message 17-000046 clarifying the documentation requirements for the claim of US Goods Returning under tariff code 9801.00.10.  At the heart of the recent changes, 9801.00.10 will …

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US Customs Seizes Unreported Currency destined for Mexico

US Customs was conducting inspections of vehicles heading into Mexico when they randomly selected a pickup truck for an intensive examination.  During that inspection, officers discovered bundles of currency in …

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International Trade Commission ends ADD/CVD on Truck & Bus Tires from China

This week, the US International Trade Commission determined that US industry was not harmed by the imports of truck and bus tires from China.  As a result of this determination, …

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Department of Commerce issues Final Rate on Frozen Warm water Shrimp from Vietnam

The US Department of Commerce issued the final results of the anti-dumping duty administrative review on frozen warm water shrimp from Vietnam (A-552-802).  This determination impacts entries from February 1, …

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FDA Final Rule on Antibacterial Washes takes effect September 2017

As a reminder to all companies the ship soap into the United States, products containing any of the 19 ingredients (most commonly triclosan and triclocarban), that are intended for use …

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US Customs Issues Guidance on US Goods Returning Duty-Free

US Customs issued CSMS message 17-000046 clarifying the documentation requirements for the claim of US Goods Returning under tariff code 9801.00.10. At the heart of the recent changes, 9801.00.10 will …

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FDA begins invalidation of lapsed FDA Food Facility Registration Numbers

This week the FDA began invalidating food facility registration numbers that were not reviewed for the biennial registration period.  If your registration lapsed, be sure to contact transitionus@willsonintl.044d949.netsolhost.com once a …

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Anti-Dumping Duties – Steel Fasteners & Liquid Dielectric Transformers

The following is available on the Canadian International Trade Tribunal website Certain Carbon Steel Fasteners, Interim Review No. RD-2016-001 The Canadian International Trade Tribunal has completed the interim review in …

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CFIA – Changes to AIRS for articles of wood and bamboo articles

Effective February 27th, 2017, the following OGD extension will be removed from the Automated Import Reference System (AIRS) database in order to streamline requirements: – Bamboo – furniture, baskets, …

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Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) passed in House of Commons

The House of Commons passed C-30, Canada’s implementation legislation, at third reading on February 14, 2017, and the European Parliament’s passed the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) on February 15 …

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