Bulletin électronique en matière de courtage de Willson

Willson apporte des informations et des analyses sur le commerce mondial et la logistique
Les questions relatives à l'environnement, notamment au Canada, aux États-Unis et à l'étranger, sont au cœur de l'actualité.
commerce et logistique, données commerciales et actualités maritimes.

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US Customs Issues Guidance on US Goods Returning Duty-Free

US Customs issued CSMS message 17-000046 clarifying the documentation requirements for the claim of US Goods Returning under tariff code 9801.00.10. At the heart of the changes, 9801.00.10 will apply …

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Informed Compliance Publication: U.S. Rules of Origin

As part of our continuing series covering the U.S. Customs Informed Compliance publications, we would like to cover the Rules of Origin.  This publication discusses free trade agreements (NAFTA page …

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GSP Renewed Retroactively

Last week, President Trump signed the Omnibus Spending Bill. This bill includes a provision to renew Generalized System of Preferences (“GSP”) benefits retroactive to December 31, 2017, when the program …

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Decommissioning of OGD Service Options PARS & RMD

The following is provided by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). Decommissioning of OGD Service Options PARS & RMD The CBSA recognizes the transformative change that SWI adoption represents to …

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Single Window Initiative (SWI) Integrated Import Declaration (IID) Regulated Commodities Data Element Matching Criteria

Single Window Initiative (SWI) Integrated Import Declaration (IID) Regulated Commodities Data Element Matching Criteria The CBSA is pleased to announce that Trade Chain Partners can now use the SWI IID …

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Anti-Dumping Duties

The following is available on the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) website. Dry Wheat Pasta - Notice of Preliminary Determination On March 28, 2018, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), pursuant …

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Notice to Industry – CFIA AIRS update on pasteurized/unpasteurized cheese

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is updating the Automated Import Reference System (AIRS) database to distinguish between cheese manufactured from pasteurized and unpasteurized milk. As of April 3, 2018, cheese importers/customs …

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UPDATE – New information on Steel & Aluminum Tariffs released

Late last night, U.S. Customs issued CSMS 18-000240 regarding the implementation of the new steel and aluminum tariffs that became effective at 12:01 AM today. Additional exemptions have been granted …

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REMINDER – Steel & Aluminum Tariffs increase Friday

As a reminder, 25 percent tariff on steel articles and a 10 percent tariff on aluminum articles manufactured in all countries except Canada, The United States and Mexico go into …

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Kevin McAleenan confirmed as Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection

The United States Senate has confirmed the appointment of Kevin McAleenan as the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection.  McAleenan has worked for U.S. Customs for 16 years and …

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Anti-Dumping/Countervailing Duty confirmed on Shingles and Sawn Shakes

Per CSMS 18-000223, anti-dumping/countervailing cuty has now been officially included in the scope of ADD case A122-857 and CVD case C122-858. Entries of this merchandise must be entered under entry …

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REMINDER – USDA Import Permits

As a reminder, please remember to send the import permits with your drivers.  Produce from origins other than Canada will often require an import permit. This USDA permit is required …

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Anti-Dumping Duties

Certain Hot-Rolled Carbon Steel Plate, Statement of Reasons The Canada Border Services Agency determined that the expiry of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal’s order is likely to result in the …

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Update on the Blended in Canada wine labelling consultation

The following is provided by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. From June 1 to June 30, 2017, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) consulted broadly with consumers, industry, and other …

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New requirement to reduce Salmonella to below detectable amounts in frozen raw breaded chicken products

The following is provided by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Please be advised that effective immediately, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) will require industry to reduce Salmonella to below …

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