Bulletin électronique en matière de courtage de Willson

Willson apporte des informations et des analyses sur le commerce mondial et la logistique
Les questions relatives à l'environnement, notamment au Canada, aux États-Unis et à l'étranger, sont au cœur de l'actualité.
commerce et logistique, données commerciales et actualités maritimes.

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Reminder: Seasonal Produce Tariff Number Changes for Cucumbers & Tomatoes

As a reminder, on July 1st the seasonal tariff number for cucumbers will change from 0707.00.50 to 0707.00.6010 (greenhouse), 0707.00.6030 (if not greenhouse and less than 6 inches in length) …

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Amendment to the Departmental Consolidation of the Customs Tariff

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) wishes to advise of an amendment to the January 14, 2019 version of the Departmental Consolidation of the Customs Tariff. CN 19-13 provide details related …

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Important Information from CBSA (CUSMA, De Minimis, CLVS)

Canada Border Services Agency  provided information regarding Canada United States Mexico Agreement (CUSMA), de minimis, and Courier Low Value Shipment Program (CLVS). CUSMA Under Article 7.8 of the CUSMA, the …

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Goods Subject to a Remission of Surtax

Finance Canada has once again amended the list of goods that are subject to a remission of surtax (countermeasures).  These changes were made pursuant to the Order Amending the United …

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Notice of a public review of a draft Barbecue grill brush standard by the CSA Group

Subject: Notice of a public review of a draft Barbecue grill brush standard by the CSA Group Health Canada would like to inform you that the CSA Group is developing …

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New Test Market Authorizations process (Food)

Under the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR), test market provisions now apply to all foods. Test marketing food allows exemption from certain regulatory requirements, such as bilingual labelling requirements …

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Pre-publication of regulatory changes for Food Labelling Modernization

The following is provided by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). The Government of Canada is developing a more modern and innovative food labelling system that meets the needs of …

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2019 Food Preparations Tariff Rate Quota

WTO Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) commitment for food preparations containing more than 10 per cent but less than 50 per cent on a dry weight basis of milk solids, not …

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Pest fact sheet on tomato brown rugose fruit virus

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has released a new pest fact sheet on tomato brown rugose fruit virus. If you think you have found tomato brown rugose fruit virus, …

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Sugar-Containing Products Export Quota: Quantities available for utilization

Due to exceptional circumstances, a portion of the sugar-containing products (SCP) export quota to the United States is now available for utilization by Canadian residents on a first-come, first-served basis until the …

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U.S. Customs ACE Processing Maintenance this Weekend

U.S. Customs issued CSMS message 19-000316 advising stakeholders that the ACE computer system will undergo an extended maintenance period from Saturday night at 8:00 pm EST unit 4:00 am EST …

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Mexico Tomato Anti-Dumping Duty Bond Impact

The ripple effects of antidumping duties on tomatoes will impact all companies that are involved in the industry.  We would like to remind importers of customs bond requirements and the …

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U.S. Customs CSMS Messaging to Undergo Changes

U.S. Customs (CBP) issued CSMS message 19-000309 alerting stakeholders that the current CSMS messaging platform discontinued and messaging will move to a new platform.  CBP notes that the overall impact …

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Excise and GST/HST News

Excise and GST/HST News – No. 106

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Surtax Remissions

The Department of Finance had advised that with the surtaxes on imports of U.S. products now repealed, the Government will no longer accepting requests for remission.  However, all requests for …

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